direct communication

constantine ferreo ©1969-2022

"PROPOSALS" ©1979-83
CREATION-FALL-EXPULSION 20X40X35cm each model, wood, plasticine
In "Creation" the male and female principles are halved, incomplete individuals. Lacking the awareness of consciousness are integral elements to the myth, granted the protection of divine light as a reward for their innocence. In "Fall" they are coupled to awake the consciousness of unity. This state of individual growth is represented by the tree of knowledge. Innocence in the instinctive level is replaced by the discovery of the inquisitive mind. In "Expulsion" the unity is lost. Humanity is induced to an uncertain future. The incomplete bodies of the two principles are now mirroring a man made world, their own creation, represented by the gate.

the dance of life
80x80cm watercolor on paper

what is time ?
80x80cm watercolor on paper
  the dance of life
100x100x200cm animated model
  what is time ?
100x100x200cm LEDs, sound model

enclosed 180x80x80cm mixed

icon 180x80x80cm mixed medium

fayum 180x60x20cm mixed medium
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