direct communication

constantine ferreo ©1969-2022

THE PLOT ©1985-2020
For a nation-state in order to establish its existence seeks the presence of historical identity. This "story line" is visible in territories where events in time indicated strong and distinctive markings. Most apparent in the geographical domain where the Greek/Hellenistic culture developed and thrived through centuries of interrupted layers and adapted changes. I was challenged to make an image of this tumultuous history. I divided it into the three periods over the millenia : classical - byzantine - modern, thus a triptych. With symbols and portraits of predominant personalities that characterized and shaped each period.
THE PLOT (1985) 60x80 each panel, tempera on paper
THE PLOT (2019) 140x330cm in 3 panels acrylic on canvas
THE PLOT (2020) digital collage intended for 140x330cm oil on canvas
THE PLOT (2020), 3D simulation for an installation 250x250x300 cm, oil painted on cutout shapes,wood, curtains
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