direct communication

constantine ferreo ©1969-2024

"NO PASARAN" - "THE GUIDE"- street art ©1993-96
RHINOCEROS is one of the endangered species on the planet. It is hunted for its horn which in some cultures is considered aphrodisiac for sexually incompetent people. The drama of this animal is one of the symbols of nature, and humanity thereof, under the influence of those who attempt to impose their will upon the logic of life. Either they operate in the political field, dressed in the uniform of extreme nationalism, or they are illegal poachers in a remote forest of Africa, behind the mask their personality is the same. As well, either a prisoner in a "detention quarter" or an innocent mammal like rhinoceros, the pain of the victim feels the same. The image I explore is the frustrated response of the victim to the oppressor represented here by the sentiment of the hunter, the figure of Hitler. The drama of rhinoceros to survive !

no pasaran 80x100cm acrylic on printed paper

no pasaran 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

our people first 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

fault of the folk 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

the beast 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

angel of demands 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

wheel of ideals 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

wheel of values 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

wheel of change400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

moderate march 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

liberal march 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

radical march 400x500cm billboard, acrylic on paper

evolute-involute 80x80cm digital print

evolute-involute 600x600cm acrylic on canvas
vaartkapoen - Brussels

new flag to an old story 500x700cm acrylic on canvas
international Cultural Centre - Brussels

new flag to an old story 50x70cm silk screen on paper

Brussels griffon 80x80cm silk screen on paper

brussels griffon 400x400cm acrylic on canvas
city hall - Assenede

abandoned public bath house - Antwerp

de fonderie - Brussels
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